House of Procurement | Skovglimt 12 | 7100 Vejle | Denmark
Tel.: +45 61 27 97 87 | E-mail:
VAT-Nummer.: 42 66 74 47
© 2021 House of Procurement
Your benefits of hiring an interim manager are many:
If you are temporarily missing a responsible manager for your procurement or supply chain organization, House of Procurement can help you quickly and efficiently with the missing pieces.
If you lack the resources to close the gap between two hires, or your manager is on sick- or maternity leave or otherwise long-term absent, then House of Procurement can help you with an interim solution, so that you don’t lose momentum in the ongoing work.
If you lack a strong procurement and/or supply chain profile that, over a shorter or longer period, can build and structure your supply chain and create an overview of your spend, then House of Procurement can help you get started, allowing a more junior and operational function carrying out the task long-term, based on the established procedures and guidelines.